Our Covenant of Hope - page 23

The Barbados Labour Party recognizes that HOW
we do things, WITH and for WHOM we do things
will be as important as WHAT we do.
Good governance demands sound decision-
making and effective implementation.
Good governance:
• permits everyone to have a voice in
decision-making processes
• provides everyone with timely
accurate information
• holds decision makers accountable
for the choices they make
• is transparent and responsive
• follows the rule of law and respects
the independence of the judiciary
• is effective and efficient
• is equitable and inclusive
• is the anchor for social, environ-
mental and economic justice
The Barbados Labour Party is committed to the
principles of good governance which we believe
are the foundation for the creation of a new
Barbados. As a political party, ALL of our decisions
and actions will be guided by these principles.
We believe that we must create a space for
direct democracy through which our citizens can
become more involved in the governance of our
nation. This involvement will only be achieved
through greater consultation and participation,
in and out of Parliament.
We support the use of People’s Initiatives, as well
as themechanismof Referenda, to ensure that our
citizens may influence the work of our Parliament
and our Executive. This permits our people, and
not only Parliamentarians, to have an appropriate
role in decision-making on fundamental issues
affecting the stability and cohesion of our nation.
This must always follow an intensive public
education programme.
Our democracy will be strengthened by the
reform of our Government. There must be the
appropriate checks and balances between the
Parliament and the Executive. We must reform
our Parliament to better serve the needs of
our people. We must also address the issue of
the financing of campaigns and fairness in our
electoral system to protect the will and the choice
of Barbadians to determine their destiny without
manipulation. There is a cost to democracy and
the State must accept this reality if we are to
protect the will of the majority from the influence
of the few and the powerful.
TheremustalsobeanexpandedSocial Partnership
to include civil society and the Church to address
GOVERNANCE issues in a holistic manner.
We will modernize our Constitution to allow it to
address the role of Governance of our nation and
not simply the role of Government. In addition,
the Barbados Labour Party is committed to
using legislation more pro-actively to simplify
our bureaucracy and remove discriminatory
provisions that negatively affect our people.
Similarly, Barbados must modernise the
administration of justice. Justice delayed is justice
denied. Whether in the criminal, civil, family or
commercial courts, the Barbados Labour Party
believes that Barbadians and foreign nationals
alike must have the confidence that they can get
in and out of court within a reasonable period
and at reasonable cost and be treated fairly. This
will allow us to better manage and maintain
peace and stability and also to enhance our
competitiveness as a nation.
Information is critical to development and
growth in today’s world. We make a commitment
to transparent government and making accurate
information available in a timely and easily
accessible manner. Barbadians must not be
held hostage to powerful or vested interests,
whether from Government, the private sector
or civil society. We are committed to creating an
independent mechanism to protect the rights of
Barbadians and to ensure their unfettered access
to information within the rule of law.
We assert that all Barbadians must hold our
leaders accountable.
We will have a clean Government rooted in
integrity.TheBarbados Labour Party is committed,
through legislation and enforcement, to ensuring
that there must be no space for corruption in our
society. Similarly, corruption and greed must be
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