Our Covenant of Hope - page 30

The Barbados Labour Party believes that Barbadians have a
right to live in a strong and cohesive society which provides:
• Access to quality, affordable land and housing.
• Decent livable wages.
• Access to affordable, wholesome food that allows
Barbadians to eat a nutritionally balanced diet so they
may pursue healthy lifestyles.
• Universal access to free quality education.
• Universal access to quality healthcare.
• Access to recreation and sports facilities in our
• Access to cultural and arts training.
• Access to modern information and communications
technology island-wide.
• Access to affordable and reliable transportation services
• The preservation of our natural and built environments.
• Maintaining Barbados as a safe and socially just society
with adequate supportive mechanisms to mitigate the
economic hardship of those who find themselves without
Achieving and maintaining these standards are essential to
our long-term stability and well-being. They also establish
a firm foundation for economic development and social
justice, both of which are critical to our international
competitiveness. This is the Barbadian way.
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