Our Covenant of Hope - page 31

Our childrenareprecious tous. It is tothem
that we owe the greatest responsibility.
At all costs, we must love, nurture, protect
and propel them.
We will develop and place high priority on
programmes to strengthen the family and
provide formal parental education. Given
the changes in our housing patterns that
have diminished the immediate influence
of the extended family, we will encourage
our communities to retake responsibility
for the general welfare and education of
all of our children, for we accept that it
truly does take a village to raise a child.
That is why we must build and support
strong community groups that have
legitimacy in their communities and the
trust and respect of parents.
Weare concerned that current educational
and social systems do not do enough
to detect, protect and support youth at
risk. Consequently, violence in schools,
juvenile delinquency, criminal behaviour,
wandering, and child sexual exploitation
are all on the increase. We remain
concerned that more human and financial
resources are needed by schools, social
systems and community organizations to
create a seemless referral network that is
responsive to how vulnerable adolescents
access services. Youth friendly programs
must seek to engage supportive parents
and vulnerable families.
The ultimate gift that we give our children,
however, is that of example. We, as adults
must be fully sensitized and encouraged
as to the need for all of us to live by our
values and to “walk the walk” in how we
speak and how we behave at all times if
we are to lead our children on the right
path to secure their future.
The Barbados Labour Party will create a
safe and nurturing environment within
which our young people can grow to their
maximum potential.
We will provide for them the opportunities
thatwilldevelopthecharacter, competence
and personal responsibility traits that
they will need to become successful
adults. Indeed, this includes mentorship
programmes that allow for positive
interaction and networking between
young people and their peers but also
facilitates learning from committed elders.
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