Our Covenant of Hope - page 26

The Barbados Labour Party believes that if we are to preserve
our stability, which is our country’s major asset, and if we are
to transform our nation, we MUST prioritise the demands on
public expenditure, as follows:-
1. Maintain law and order, security and public safety.
2. Protect public health and universal access to health care.
3. Empower our people through free formal and non-formal
education, ready access to information and the bolstering
of our national identity while protecting and nurturing
the most vulnerable among us.
4. Preserve our public spaces, protect and enhance our land,
marine and built environment in the national interest
and ensure access to affordable land and housing.
5. Protect consumers in the marketplace and our workers
and create an environment within our productive sectors
that is dedicated to creating opportunities, allowing for a
fair return on investments to those investing and creating
opportunities for the wider economic enfranchisement of
our people.
6. Safeguard our national identity at home and abroad and
provide for our interaction with the rest of the world
through diplomacy and trade.
These must be the absolute priorities of a Government in a
21st Century Barbados.
This will inform how we as a Government will assess claims
on public expenditure, without prejudice to the other
powers of a Government to legislate, regulate, facilitate,
invest and empower.
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