Our Covenant of Hope - page 24

Barbados’ reputation globally as a well –
ordered, progressive democracy has been
earned in no small measure by dint of the
fortitude, determination and hard work
of generations of capable, professional
and patriotic public servants. They are the
unsung heroes of our project of nation-
Yet the structures, systems and decision-
making processes which our public sector
inherited half a century ago are no longer
robust or nimble enough to sustain our
nation’s progress into the 21st century.
Our public servants are demoralized and
tired of struggling within inadequate
and anachronistic rules and procedures,
tired of being given no scope to advise
or innovate, tired of being blamed for the
inefficiencies caused by lack of resources
and tools to do the job. Above all, they
are tired of being bashed and ridiculed
at the highest levels of Government.
Our teachers, nurses, police and other
uniformed personnel, social workers,
sanitation workers and, indeed, all public
servants are close to breaking point.
The Barbados Labour Party pledges
always to treat our public servants with
dignity and respect. Our country cannot
function without you, and you cannot
function to the best of your ability in an
atmosphere of acrimony and humiliation.
We will work with you and with the
Unions, in a truly consultative process, to
return our public service to the high levels
of efficiency and productivity it once
enjoyed, to help you to understand the
critical role youmust each play in building
Barbados, and to empower you to fulfil
your truepotential. More thaneverbefore,
Barbados needs a strong, self-confident,
highly motivated public service to deliver
to all our citizens a better, faster, more
responsive and more caring Government.
Together, with commitment and restored
trust, we can make it happen.
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