Our Covenant of Hope - page 21

Our Party stands for enabling
Barbadians from every
family and community to
build confidence, as we each
actively participate in shaping
a happier, more empowered,
just, transparent, inclusive and
caring society.
Our Party stands for life-
long learning linked to
tangible opportunities for
social innovation, including
new possibilities for the
greater participation of our
communities in national
policy formulation and
open government.
Our Party stands for nurturing
in every Barbadian family the
spirit of patriotism and the
ethic of national service that
mirrors the very best qualities
of our National Heroes.
Our Party stands for the pursuit
of excellence as the guiding
principle for our citizens as
they go through life. Our
people must engage the world
without ever forgetting who
we are and what we stand for.
Every Barbadian, whether
by birth, descent or choice
and whether living here or
overseas, has a right and a
duty to be involved in the
transformation of our nation.
WE, the people, are truly our greatest resource.
Wemust unifyaroundvaluesof family, community
and country. To do so, we must redefine what it
means to be a Barbadian.
We must nurture in our people an appreciation
not only for the rights our country affords us,
but also for the responsibilities it demands of us
towards our families, each other, our communities
and the entire nation.
Only then will we move forward united as one
We must always remind our people of the need to
be compassionate and to have empathy towards
each other. We must above all else care and look
out for each other, especially those who are most
vulnerable. We must value and promote our
natural friendliness, showing civility to each other
and to all who visit.
These are the hallmarks of a good and humane
We must address directly the issue of our
national self-identity.
It affects our self- confidence;
It affects whether or not we respect ourselves
and by extension, other people and how we
care for each other, especially the vulnerable;
It affects how we treat our families, our
communities and those with whom we
interact in the workplace;
It affectsour attitude to renderingprofessional
It affects our work ethic and our productivity
as a nation – how much and how well we
It affects our preparedness to take risks in
investing at home and overseas and our
willingness to fully engage with the rest of
the world;
It affects our prosperity and its sustainability;
It affects our ability to transform our nation
and to move forward as one people, taking
our rightful place in the Caribbean and in our
interdependent world.
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