Our Covenant of Hope - page 25

rooted out wherever it is found – in high and low
places. This is the only way to make Government
stand for something meaningful and allow our
people to know that we are all on the same
We will promote systems of regulation, licensing
and procurement that minimise any opportunity
for corruption. Further, legislation must be
passed to prevent any Government from signing
contracts once an election has been called so
as to prevent the currying of patronage in ways
inimical to the public interest.
We will ensure that Policy statements by a
Government are always accompanied by effective
implementation within a reasonable period if
they are to enjoy credibility.
The Barbados Labour Party recognizes that many
of our systems and laws in Government are dated
from the 19th and 20th century. We must have
more modern systems and laws servicing our
people in the 21st Century if our citizens are to
retain confidence in the rule of law and the role
of Government. We are steadfast in our belief
that our Government must work for and with
our people. It is a Government’s duty to provide
quality service for all of its people.
Our systems in Government must be redesigned
to make them more user-friendly and to ensure
access by persons most in need.
We must update and create new technology
legislation and cyber-security policies to make
better use of modern Information Communication
Technologies to increase the efficiency and
responsiveness of Government and public services
to our people’s needs and concerns.
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