Our Covenant of Hope - page 13

New frontiers of social and economic de-
velopment were ushered in with the formation
of the National Sports Council (NSC) and
the establishment of the National Cultural
Foundation (NCF), providing outlets for the
creative talents and energies of our citizens and
demonstrating the link between sports, culture,
income earning, revenue generation and foreign
exchange earnings.
The BLP introduced Eductech as a revolutionary
approach to the delivery of education to help
change how and what we teach, while ensuring
that the introduction of information and
multimedia technologies enhanced learning in
the classroom.
For the first time a Ministry of Youth Affairs was
established by the Barbados Labour Party in 1994
to develop policy and programmes dedicated to
our young people.
The BLP also focused on the strengthening of our
communities through the extensive provision
of sporting facilities (including flood lights
for evening use) and community technology
programmes providing training to all interested
However, the BLP recognised that it was equally
necessary to focus on national identity issues. In
that vein, Emancipation Day was first formally
celebrated as a National Holiday in 1997. By the
next year, the BLP also introduced legislation
to identify ten National Heroes. These Heroes
exemplified courage, sacrifice, patriotism and
the pursuit of excellence. To celebrate the
contributions of these Heroes, National Portraits
were commissioned; a hard cover book "For
Love of Country" was published; a permanent
exhibition was created in the Museum of
Parliament; and, four statues were commissioned
in honour of:
1. The Rt. Excellent Sir Grantley Adams
2. The Rt. Excellent Sir Gary Sobers
3. The Rt. Excellent Sir Frank Walcott
4. The Rt. Excellent Errol Walton Barrow
Rock Hall was also recognised as the first free
village and a monument commemorating this
historic achievement was constructed.
The BLP proclaimed and strictly enforced that
our beaches would remain the patrimony of all
Barbadians with the right of free access always
and that no private beaches would be allowed.
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