Our Covenant of Hope - page 14

From the mid-1990s, Barbados achieved un-
imagined heights characterised by unprecedented
economic growth and development. The middle
class expanded exponentially and thousands were
lifted out of hardship through innovative Poverty
Alleviation Programmes. Unemployment dropped
to its lowest ever, while foreign direct investment
rose to its highest ever. We achieved record levels
in business expansion and entrepreneurship,
assisted by access to low cost finance for small
and micro businesses. We increased access to
housing significantly with the introduction of
100% mortgages and the removal of land tax on
property up to a value of $250,000.
This was matched by a concerted effort to improve
rural and urban communities through a process of
social transformation with the establishment of the
Rural Development Commission and the Urban
Development Commission. These two entities
brought new focus to the unique characteristics of
rural and urban Barbados.
All of these achievements led to Barbados
becoming the No.1 developing country in the
world, according to the United Nations Human
Development Index. It is no ordinary achievement
that this was accomplished without compromising
our nation’s fiscal, macro-economic or monetary
stability. Regrettably Barbados lost its status as
the No. 1 Developing Country on the Human
Development Index in 2011.
It is shocking and frightening how quickly
this history of solid achievement and growth
have been compromised by the absence of
vision, competence and effort that has recently
characterized our political climate.
Barbadians deserve better. Barbados can do better.
Building on our legacy of positive development,
Barbados will be guided along the next stage
of its journey. This period must be characterised
by a renewed commitment to opening up our
individual and collective creativity, enhancing our
to the enfranchisement and empowerment of our
This is what the Barbados Labour Party stands
ready to offer: returning to our beloved Barbados
and all Barbadians the kind of political leadership
that will lift our country up and transform our lives
for the better, whilemaking us proud as Barbadians
yet again.
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