Our Covenant of Hope - page 40

Fundamental to our national
economic growth objectives will be
the establishment of a high target
rate of growth, which we will achieve
within the following framework:
• A responsible Macro Economic
Strategy that targets export
growth and foreign reserves
accumulation; a simple,
transparent and fair tax and
expenditure strategy that
is focused on fiscal stability,
economic growth and national
debt reduction.
• A Financial Strategy that helps
the establishment of new private
institutions and supports existing
ones to better mobilise domestic
savings for domestic investments
while adequately addressing
international challenges.
• An Asset Management Strategy
that is focused on using public
assets more productively and
• A Digital Strategy that uses
ICT to improve citizens’ access
to information; enhances
the efficiency of our public
and private economy and
consumer choices; facilitates
new industries; reduces and
improves bureaucracy and the
delivery of government services
and decisions; and increases
and enhances productivity
• A Citizens Strategy that records
and removes bureaucratic
impediments to doing
business and the delays in the
court system and gives our Fair
Trading Commission and other
consumer bodies sharper teeth
to protect consumers and
support reduced costs.
• A Jobs and Investment
Strategy that reflects the
strategies above, along with
a credible suite of fiscal,
procurement and regulatory
policies to support innovation
and small business.
• An International Strategy
which promotes Barbados as
the convenient geographical
launch platform for entry into
the wider Caribbean and Latin
Our economic vision will be
the basis for the delivery of
better livelihoods for all, the
restoration of confidence by local
and international investors and
more equitable distribution of
income, wealth, and opportunity
in Barbados.
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