Our Covenant of Hope - page 6

the best they can be, as long as our country’s
development potential remains unfulfilled.
This is the dream and the promise that inspired
the architects of Barbados’ path to democracy,
through every setback they endured from the
1930s, through the attainment of universal adult
suffrage to the present. This dream and promise
inspired our own efforts as we served in various
capacities in successive Barbados Labour Party
administrations. This vision must now guide us
all through the next stage of our journey.
May we all work together in a spirit of unity to
sustain the nation of which our fore parents
dreamed, a thriving nation where compassion
and fair play are ever at work, the kind of nation
of which we can all be proud.
May we always build a better life for our people.
In 1938, the Barbados Labour Party was born
out of a deep desire to bring freedom, political
empowerment, economic and social justice to all
Barbadians, ensuring we should never again be
tenants in our own country. Barbados can only
become what our fore parents dreamed of, if
every organ and resource of Government exists to
serve the people. Not the other way around. We
have no nation without our people. We have no
Government without your consent. You are the
reason we are here.
The dream and ambition of the Barbados Labour
Party has always been the creation of an equitable
society in which all citizens can participate;
built on the principles of hard work, courage,
compassion, integrity and fairness.
The Barbados Labour Party must remain
steadfast to its mission as long as poverty and
injustice continue to exist in our nation, as long
as people are deprived of opportunities to be
BLP Political Leader Mia Amor Mottley and Party Elders:
From left: Lindsay Bolden, O’Brien Trotman, Nigel Barrow,
Sir Louis Tull, DeLisle Bradshaw, Sir Henry Forde and Vic Johnson
Sir Henry de B. Forde, K.A., Q.C. on behalf
of the Barbados Labour Party, Party Elders
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