Our Covenant of Hope - page 5

conversations with those whom we serve about
their hopes for the future. We understand that if
even one person is not empowered, our nation
is left the poorer. We understand that we cannot
educate a people and then treat them as though
they lack intelligence. We understand that family
and community matter, that character matters,
that trust matters, that hope must always be
kept alive and that aspirations must become
achievements. We understand that Barbados and
the Caribbean need a new development vision, a
new development path.
We remain convinced that our country and the
wider Caribbean have much of value to share
with the world. We have a story to tell that holds
great relevance for such a time as this. Our story
teaches the world how harmony exists alongside
diversity. This is all the more apt, in today’s reality,
when religious extremism and class warfare
appear to be at their worst.
I was born at the dawn of a new era. I witnessed
the emergence of a sovereign state from the
vestiges of a colonial past. And as an independent
Barbados grew from infancy, I too progressed
through the stages of life blessed to have been
loved and nurtured by my family and encouraged
and inspired by the men and women in my
constituency and in our wider Barbados. I have
also been fortunate to sit at the feet of some of
the greatest statesmen and thinkers Barbados and
the Caribbean have ever produced. From them all,
I have learnt what it takes to love, to lead, and to
shape a nation – to keep a people rooted in the
best of our values and traditions while allowing us
to aspire to become global citizens.
Today, many of us, as the "Children of
Independence", come to full maturity alongside
our nation. We are part of a Joshua generation,
tasked with leading a remnant out of a wilderness
and into a Land of Promise. I am humbled and
honoured to have been chosen to guide the
Barbados Labour Party at this most perilous, yet
promising, moment in our history as a nation.
I, too, covenant with you that the team
which I lead will always remember that
we are servants of the people. We will be
compassionate and accessible. We will
be disciplined and always accountable
to you.
With courage and resolve, I know that true
transformation will be attained. Our journey is
not over. By the grace of God, it continues.
Join with us in committing to this, Our
Covenant of Hope, to build a new and
better Barbados!
The Hon. Mia Amor Mottley, Q.C., M.P.
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