Our Covenant of Hope - page 43

As we seek to engage the world, we must always
do so from our own geographical, historical
and spiritual centre of gravity – our Caribbean
civilization. The Barbados Labour Party fully
recognizes that our economic and social progress
is inextricably linked to that of our brothers and
sisters in the Caribbean Community.
Consequently our policies and approaches will
remain sensitive to this fundamental truth and
will reflect our clear understanding that we are
always stronger and more successful when we
work in concert as a unified region.
Within these parameters, it is imperative that
Barbados participates effectively in the global
economy. We must look outwardly, understand
and appreciate how the external economic,
physical and social environment affects us and
determine how best we can position ourselves
to take full advantage of the world we live in. We
must also consider how our citizens can position
themselves and our economy across the global
society and in the new cyber marketplace where
only our imagination, innovation and creativity
can impede us. Our small size must never be
a barrier to the success of our citizens and full
development of our island.
Our aspirations must be
global as well as local. The
will work with Barbadian
professionals, companies and
entrepreneurs to become
globe trotters.
technologies have effectively blurred
the lines between those Barbadians who
live on our island and those who live
abroad. Our Overseas Barbadians are now
better informed and more up to date on
developments in Barbados than ever
before. In the Barbados Labour Party,
we make no distinction between the
two. Wherever you live you are, first and
foremost, for us, Barbadians who love
their country and want to see it prosper.
tremendous contribution as a Diaspora
to the development of Barbados, through
your remittances, your investments
and donations, your unpaid labour as
Ambassadors for your country, your
liberal sharing of skills, knowledge and
experience in your fields of excellence
and your abiding concern for our welfare.
Two decades ago, a BLP Government
created a Special Facility to incentivise
Barbadians who wanted to return home
to resettle or to contribute. The project
has evolved over the years, but we are
conscious that much more can be done
to engage you directly in social and
economic development opportunities
in Barbados, whether or not you chose
formally to relocate. It is our covenant to
you that we will engage you directly on
ways this can best be achieved in the true
sense of partnership and common cause.
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