Training for Public Service Excellence
Management Institute for
National Development
MIND prides itself on establishing and leveraging partnership arrangements to develop and deliver attractive,
Leadership Development,
competitive and relevant learning interventions that address areas of need, such as:
Change Management, General Management, Organisational Development, Governance and Accountability,
Performance andOperationsManagement, Customer Service and Human Resource
Scheduled Programmes:
A cross-disciplinary range of certificate, diploma, associate of
science degrees and postgraduate diplomas, offered during the days, in the evenings and on
the weekends.
Customised Training and Development Solutions:
This product line responds exclusively
to an organisation's training needs. It also allows for existing products to be adapted and new
products developed to meet the human resource training and development needs of organisa-
tions at the time and place they require.
MIND Online:
A web-based training and development interface. This training delivery modality
creates greater access to training and development opportunities for public sector professionals.
MIND Consulting
is the vehicle through which MIND offers human resource and organisational
development advice, research and strategic planning support to organisations locally, regionally
and internationally.
MIND's reputation has been achieved through its growing portfolio
of programmes and services, inclusive of:
MIND is registered with the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ), Jamaica’s national quality assurance body for tertiary education.
The Management Institute for National Development
(MIND) is a premier provider of public sector
professional development and training in Jamaica
and the wider Caribbean community. MIND has
achieved benchmark status as an excellent results
oriented institution among key stakeholders and has
been recognised as the only institution in the
Caribbean with the expressed mandate for public
sector leadership development.